IN-CASE maintains a social media presence. The information it contains as a non-commercial public service is for information and educational purposes only. This social media presence aims to provide you with information that is up-to-date, accurate, and reliable. The information on these profiles is believed to be complete and accurate when posted, but IN-CASE does not guarantee the quality, accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of any content at any time.
The IN-CASE social media channels and website are not intended to provide legal opinions or advice. You should not act or rely on any information on this website or IN-CASE social media channels without consulting a qualified professional adviser, as appropriate.
Links to other websites are provided as references only and as a convenience. IN-CASE does not endorse any services or products that may be on those websites and is not responsible for the content of any linked website.
As part of our ongoing commitment to making our social media outreach a useful public resource, we encourage you to contact us with any comments or suggestions. You can find our executive officers and their email addresses on the "Who We Are" page of this website.
IN-CASE welcomes your comments and questions, but advises that we monitor our social media channels during regular business hours. We post, tweet, and respond during regular business hours. We endeavor to read and respond to comments, messages, etc. within two business days. However, we may not be able to respond to all comments, messages, etc. that are received.
The views of participants commenting on our social media channels do not necessarily represent the views of IN-CASE, its members, or its partners.
Disagreements and constructive arguments are welcome as part of discussions; however, inappropriate, abusive, defamatory, discriminatory, offensive or unlawful comments are prohibited. We expect participants to treat each other and IN-CASE members with courtesy and respect. To that end, we will not publish any comment that contains:
Vulgar, abusive or offensive language
Personal attacks
Product promotions, advertising, or spam
Stock recommendations or promotions
Unsupported accusations
Off-topic subject matter
Confidential information such as ongoing investigations or confidential filings
Unintelligible or irrelevant information
You should also not provide publicly any personal information, either about yourself or any other person or business, on our social media channels.
Our social media channels focus on education. The information posted to these channels should not be considered as the authoritative source of guidance from IN-CASE, its members, or its partners.
We follow, friend, and like stakeholders and partners, members of the media, and individuals. A share, link, follow, like, or another form of engagement from an IN-CASE account does not imply an endorsement of any kind.